World Without Empire! Amen, Amen. 

Roger Copple's son helped him set up this website, but Roger does all the writing for this website that was created the year he retired in 2010.  I can be emailed at  

Starting in 1970 at the age of 20, I have switched back and forth between Christianity and the  perennial philosophy of Eastern Thought about every 14 years.  For many years I assumed that one was right, and the other wrong.  In September 2023 I returned to Evangelical Christianity and became disillusioned with that about 3 months later.  Then I started attending mainline, more liberal, Christian denominations and became disillusioned with that also about 3 months later. The best thing I can now say is that love is the most important thing to create change within ourselves and others.  

Politically at different times in my life, I have identified as a Republican, Democrat, Libertarian, Green, and Democratic Socialist.  Currently the 4 primary things I want to learn about are anarchism, Natural Law, psychedelic-assisted therapy, and stopping the genocide occuring in Gaza right now. 

The biggest problem in the world is what nobody in the United States talks about: Imperialism!  The United States is not a democratic nation. It is censoring its citizens increasingly.  The United States is also an autocratic empire, and it is the primary reason the world is so messed up.  But it could be the primary reason that the world heals.


My last 2 published articles together summarize my worldview:  5 Things the United States Needs to Abolish to Make a Better World--September 6, 2024 

A New US Constitution to Maximize Freedom, Democracy, and Fairness--August 15, 2024


April 23, 2024: Currently reading the whole Bible all the way through again after many years, I am now reading the book of Deuteronomy.  But I am starting to wonder once again, are these writings the “Word of God” or merely how the ancient Israelites interpreted God’s will?  John Shelby Spong in his book Rescuing the Bible from Fundamentalism: A Bishop Rethinks the Meaning of Scripture on p.19 expresses my current sentiment: 

“Non-Israelite groups, such as the Midianites, were ordered to be destroyed by the God of the Bible (Num. 31:1,2). Israel obeyed: ‘They warred against Midian as the Lord commanded Moses and slew every male’ (Num. 31:7).  They spared the women and children and took as booty all their cattle, flocks, and goods (Num. 31:9).  So much for “You shall not steal”! Then they burned the Midianite cities (Num. 31:10). Moses was angry that they had let the women live (Num. 31:15). He then ordered all the male children to be killed.  So much for ‘You shall not murder’!  Then all the females who were not virgins were ordered to be killed, but Moses allowed the Israelite men to keep all the virgins ‘for yourself.’  So much for ‘You shall not commit adultery’!” 

The mainline Protestant churches are declining in numbers. I think the Roman Catholic and Eastern Orthodox churches are declining in numbers also. But the evangelical, Pentecostal, many Baptist, and the mega churches are increasing in numbers.  However, the Bible scholarship that one can learn at a liberal Christian theological seminary will not be supported by evangelical pastors at the 100 fastest growing  and  100 largest churches in the United States.  The Asbury [Evangelical] Revivals of 1970 and 2023 are an interesting phenomena in church history.

Here is how I would differentiate the two worldviews: In Eastern philosophy we grow spiritually by our good deeds, thoughts, and beliefs over several lifetimes, and the goal is to unveil our true divine nature that is eternally present within each of us.  In Christianity, we cannot save ourselves.  We are saved when we realize the holiness of God, and how sinful we are in comparison to God's holiness, and then put our trust in the words of John 3:16.  The Holy Spirit only comes into our hearts from the outside when we invite Jesus into our hearts.  

May 9, 2024: Today I rediscovered a book from my bookshelves that I had read in 2006, entitled The Reason-Driven Life by liberal theologian and Bible scholar Robert M. Price.  This book is a polemic against The Purpose-Driven Life, a best-selling popular book by evangelical pastor Rick Warren that I also had read years ago.  Robert M. Price states that he was once a Christian fundamentalist, but he wrote his thought-provoking book as an agnostic.   

July 1, 2024: Having studied many religious and spiritual beliefs and disciplines–including Christianity (Protestant, Roman Catholic, and Eastern Orthodox), yoga philosophy, Buddhism, mindfulness meditation, the New Age Movement, secular humanism, and individuals who have had Near-Death Experiences–I know there are many excellent books, articles, and videos that say good and bad things about each of them.  

July 16, 2024: Mark Passio, an ex-priest in the Church of Satan, states that Satanists do not worship Satan the way Christians worship God. The 4 Tenets of Satanism are Egotism, Moral Relativism, Social Darwinism, and Eugenics.  Satanists view the ego-driven self as the God of their religion.    

In the video “Two Masks, Same Face: The Dark Occult Origins of Nazism and Communism,” Mark Passio states "Sabbatean Frankism  has been described by some researchers as the historical roots of Cultural Marxism and by others as the paradigm of the modern left.  Communism, Socialism, Fascism, Corporatism, and Critical Theory are all ideologically linked to Sabbatean Frankism in that they all seek the inversion of moral values.” 


Critics of Christianity and the Bible

14 Things the Misguided Religious Establishment Doesn't Want You to Know--by Ex-Pastor Jim Palmer--June 19, 2023    Here is the audio version.    Substack . com: Jim Palmer 

Skeptics Annotated Bible . com   

Evil Bible . com : Fighting Against Immorality in Religion  


There is a way to open every heart including our own.  

Discovery and creativity are far more important than uncritical, blind belief.  Psychologist Abraham Maslow, known for his research on the hierarchy of human needs, talked before he died about ego-transcendence being a higher state than self-actualization. 


Here are some files or articles I have created at my website from Sept 2023 through May 17, 2024: In September 2023: Are Freemasonry, the New Age Movement, and the Theosophical Society Expressions of Satanism in Disguise? On October 3, 2023:  Christians that Support Veganism, Nonviolence, and World Peace.  On October 10, 2023: Not All Christians and Jews Support Zionism.  On November 4, 2023:  Israel-Hamas War--From a Pro Palestinian Perspective. On March 6, 2024: Israel-Hamas War--From a Pro Israel Perspective.  On March 7, 2024 my article entitled  More Churches Need to Support a Secular One-State Solution for Palestine-Israel  was published at Lew  On May 22, 2024  Christians, Muslims, and Jews for a Secular One-State Solution in Palestine-Israel was also published at Lew  My next article was entitled  Why a One-State Solution Is Better than a Two-State Solution in Palestine-Israel and my latest article entitled The Imperialists Will Tolerate a Two-State But Not a One-State Solution in Palestine-Israel was published at Dissident  

There is one way that I have been consistent over the years.  I have been an anti war advocate, starting with the Vietnam War, supporting a non-interventionist foreign policy since 1969, one year after I graduated from high school in 1968. 

The late John Pilger wrote in  this article:  “In my lifetime, the United States has overthrown or attempted to overthrow more than 50 governments, mostly democracies.  It has interfered in democratic elections in 30 countries. It has dropped bombs on the people of 30 countries, most of them poor and defenseless.  It has attempted to murder the leaders of 50 countries.  It has fought to suppress liberation movements in 20 countries.”          

The United States could be a model nation for the world.  To take the initiative in promoting and creating world peace and happiness for everyone in every nation, the United States needs to dismantle its empire. It needs to close down its 750 military bases around the world, bring all the troops back home, and just defend its own borders. Other nations will adopt a non-interventionist foreign policy also if the United States leads the way, and even if they don't follow suit, we should know that it would be pleasing to God. Other nations will start loving us instead of fearing and hating us if we start helping those we have previously exploited and harmed, seeking their forgiveness.         

As an advocate of yoga philosophy and mindfulness meditation for many years, I said what is needed is a new worldview, a spiritual renaissance, a paradigm shift that transcends both lifestyle materialism and scientific materialism.  But when I became an evangelical Christian again, I thought the most important thing was to have a right understanding of who Jesus is and to be saved from hell.         

Based on  Isaiah 45:17  and Ephesians 3:21, the last words in the Gloria Patri Christian doxology are "world without end, amen, amen." But we cannot create a peaceful and happier world without end unless we create a world without empire.  Empires of the past have all fallen, sometimes after hundreds of years.  But the Deep State technocrats or  controligarchs  are gradually taking away all of our rights, so that we will be easier to control in a world of total and permanent censorship, with no semblance of democracy--ever again.  Instead of working only for what's good for our nation, we should work and pray for true democracy in every nation.  Maximizing parent choice in education is one important way to increase freedom and democracy.  A world without empire will be a world without censorship, which unfortunately is now on the increase since the Covid crisis began in March 2020.      

Regarding what makes us ill, Dr Samantha Bailey, MD no longer believes in the "contagious germ theory" that most of us grew up believing. In the video below, Dr Sam Bailey tells why she started adopting the terrain model instead of the germ theory and why she now largely rejects allopathic or Western medicine.  The terrain model argues that it is  mostly things like the junk food we eat, mental and emotional stress, environmental toxins (or poisons), and not getting the proper amount of exercise, sleep, and sunlight that makes us ill.  Some naturopathic practitioners are also concerned about 5G electromagnetic radiation as well. If it is true that we don't catch diseases but build them by our lifestyle choices, it will bring down the whole allopathic medical-pharmaceutical establishment like a house of cards if enough people can become convinced of that.  The CDC, the WHO, the FDA and other agencies have all been corrupted by the generous donations from the pharmaceutical industry.  Everybody thinks that somebody else has scientifically proven the existence of contagious viruses, but no one actually has.  I heard Dr Samantha Bailey say that most doctors do not have the time to read the details and fine print of scientific publications, and it takes special training and skill to interpret the data.  It is argued that the methodology of virology is unscientific and deliberately fraudulent in order to make astronomical profits for the pharmaceutical and related companies. Terrain theorists argue that virologists have failed to carry out scientifically controlled experiments.  Seeing so much evil in high places, it is understandable why conservative Christians  believe we live in a fallen world under the influence of Satan.                   

Dr Sam Bailey . substack . com: Medicine: The Killing Fields--by Dr Sam Bailey--17 min, 34 sec--August 22, 2023 

Mike Stone . substack . com : Written Interview of Mike Stone on the Fraud of Virology--January 28, 2024  

Recently I woke up one Sunday morning and noticed that my left upper eyelid was red and very swollen, causing my left eyelids to move closer together.  The next morning the doctor gave me an antibiotic for blepharitis.  At 5:30 pm on Tuesday, I started applying the Erythromycin ointment (3.5 GM) 4 times a day for 10 days.  I just wanted the signs and symptoms of my disease to go away that were making me feel miserable.  I applied a very warm compress to my left eye several times a day.  Now a terrain model physician would not likely prescribe harmful antibiotics that only treat the symptoms.  But I caved in because I was desperate and wanted comfort.  Now I wonder, was it the antibiotic that made the signs and symptoms go away or just the warm compresses to my eye and time itself?   


There was an emperor named Asoka in the third century BCE India who converted to Buddhism and then renounced his war-like ways.  He helped usher in an era of greater cultural harmony and peace that extended to animals by promoting vegetarianism and an extensive network of animal-care facilities, as reported by Dr Will Tuttle, editor of the book Buddhism & Veganism and author of  The World Peace Diet Veganism is valuable for ethical, ecological,  and health reasons.         

The ongoing Covid crisis is a covert operation that has been orchestrated by a global technocratic elite who are now closer than ever to getting total control over humanity.  (See list of books, articles, and videos here and  here ) Masses of people have been duped, but many are starting to wake up.  During the unnecessary and compulsory lockdowns, the  ten richest men doubled their fortunes while incomes of 99 percent of humanity fell. The  global elite  (also click here  and  here)  have the money and power to supplant the democratic will of the majority, and their agenda increasingly involves technocracy,  depopulation, transhumanism, algorithms of artificial intelligence, genetic modification, and the digital identification of every person on the planet. The Covid crisis has created enormous censorship of alternative viewpoints reminiscent of totalitarian states, and the crisis has caused me to become disillusioned with the Left since most liberal capitalists, democratic socialists, and communists have accepted the official Covid narrative of the government and the mainstream media.  Organizations like the CDC, the WHO, the FDA, which we might think have our best interests at heart, have in fact been captured by the financial support of the pharmaceutical companies and billionaire donors. Robert F. Kennedy, Jr's best-selling book The Real Anthony Fauci  explains how this corruption and collusion has developed over many years.        

But now it is not so much an issue of left versus right.  It's an issue of humanity verses an undemocratic, transnational technocracy.  If the resistance movement can both successfully expose the corruption and share its visions and models for making a better world, it will make the process of disempowering the technocracy easier.  We must not become slaves to the  controligarchs'  centralized, control grid system that is implementing an agenda that ultimately will combine depopulation, technocracy, transhumanism, and totalitarianism to maintain its control.  If the Vaccine Digital ID Passport is implemented with the Social Credit System of China, we will only have access to our bank accounts if we comply with all Covid mandates. The final battle between good and evil is before us.  The Deep State could be under a satanic influence, if the goal is to take away our individual freedoms permanently, and turn us into cyborgs with brainchip implants controlled remotely.  Watch this video:  Doctor Finds Microelectronic Metals in mRNA Injections      

How do we create a more democratic world without censorship, a world without empire?  Encourage each nation to equally empower the 7 largest political parties, instead of just 2 parties.  Encourage more decentralization and local self-reliance.  If there are food and other shortages in the future, the growing number of people who are getting off the grid as much as possible and growing their own food individually and locally are the best role models for the rest of us. On a personal and spiritual level, we can aspire to be fair, honest, open, tolerant, transparent, and vulnerable.  

Before we disempower the technocratic global oligarchs--it would be good to agree on the best way to maximize peace, freedom, justice, and happiness for every citizen on the planet.  In   this article published at Winter Oak. org. uk,  I offer some of my suggestions.      

Having a world government should not be considered until we have democratic sovereign nations that desire it.  Currently there aren’t any truly democratic nations, so it is premature to support any of the current proposals for a  democratic world federal government such as the Earth Constitution.  Right now it is urgent that we oppose giving an international organization, the WHO, authority over the health decisions of sovereign nations.  

As Peter Koenig has stated in this  article:  “The World Health Organization has started drafting a Global Pandemic Treaty on pandemic preparedness that would grant WHO absolute power over global biosecurity, such as the power to implement digital identities/vaccine passports, mandatory vaccinations, travel  restrictions, lockdowns, standardized medical care and more.”  It is very important that the nations of the world oppose the Global Pandemic Treathy.          

On an international level, we can promote the equal empowerment of the 7 largest political parties in every nation and allow them to have a proportionate control of  each nation's federal legislature.  Moreover, the mainstream media of each nation, instead of being corporate owned, could be publicly owned and proportionately controlled by the 7 largest national political parties. Also, we must do everything we can to take the influence of money out of politics.  All of these measures may seem difficult to achieve, but as more citizens of the world unite together and specifically demand them, they can be accomplished.   

On a state and local level--Christian fundamentalists, Muslims, Advaita Vedantists, Buddhists, Libertarians, Marxists, and others should be given money to find alternatives to the public schools for their children if they are not happy with the public schools.  Another option would be to radically decentralize public schools at the elementary level by encouraging the residents who live in an elementary school district to create their own educational philosophy and school curriculum. A third option could be that the money allocated to public schools on a per pupil basis could be given to parents without any strings attached to let them decide how to educate their own children.  Some parents might invest in private schools; others might take an unschooling approach and invest in private tutoring and home education.    

If you scroll further down this page, below the 2-dotted lines, you can read my articles that have been published at various websites since my retirement in 2010. Older articles are found in another page of this website called "Older Articles."  You can also read the page entitled "About Me" if you are interested in my personal history and spiritual journey. The websites where my articles have been published are listed in the "About Me" section.   

Here are 33 files of videos and articles that I have created: 

Are Freemasonry, the New Age Movement, and the Theosophical Society Expressions of Satanism in Disguise?   


Not All Christians and Jews Support Zionism 

More Churches Need to Support a Secular One-State Solution for Palestine-Israel 

Christians, Muslims, and Jews for a Secular One-State Solution in Palestine-Israel 

Israel-Hamas War--From a Pro Palestinian Perspective--Articles and Videos 

Israel-Hamas War--From a Pro Israel Perspective--Articles and Videos 

My Return to Evangelical Christianity Was Brief  

3 Ways Christians Differ in their Beliefs about the End Times 

Energy Healing: A Christian Theological Appraisal by David Glover  Article found at a Christian School of Naturopathy

Christians that Support Veganism, Nonviolence, and World Peace 

The Asbury Revivals of 1970 and 2023


Why a Plant-Based, Vegan Diet is Good for You, the Planet, and Animals

Self-Assembly Nanotechnology in Human Blood: Synthetic Biology: Making Humans into Cyborgs or Automatons 

Non Believers in Germ Theory (Terrain Model Advocates) :  Anti Vaccines, Anti Masks, and Anti Lockdowns   

Believers in Germ Theory Yet Anti Vaccines, Anti Masks, & Anti Lockdowns 

Geopolitics and Imperialism 

U.S. Imperialism Specifically  

Individuals Who Have Had Near Death Experiences           

Seeking A Spiritual and Social Renaissance--Emphasizing Transcendental, Higher States of Consciousness 

Biodegradable Cannabis/Marijuana/Hemp Can Save the World 

The Russian Invasion of Ukraine 

Climate Change (or Global Warming) Critics 

Ken Wilber's Integral Theory 

Educational Philosophy of John Taylor Gatto 

Inspiring Kirtan Music to Sing 

Vegan Recipes 

9/11 Videos and Articles that Challenge the Official Narrative    

Cryptocurrency (Bitcoin) vs Central Bank Digital Currency (CBDC)--Articles and Videos

Proposed Mission and Vision Statements for the St Petersburg Chapter of Make Americans Free Again 

An Austrian [Economics or Free Market] Analysis of Covid Vaccines by Steve Berger--July 27, 2023 

UFO Videos and Websites   

Chess File  

Ex Mega Church Pastor : Jim Palmer Quotes 

"Ode to Billy Joe (McAllister)" : Listen to the Song--Watch the Free Movie--Read the Free Book--Learn about Life of Bobby Gentry

Favorite Songs I Love to Sing and Favorite Movies  

Significant Articles and Videos Viewed Recently 


Roger's  published articles

5 Things the United States Needs to Abolish to Make a Better World--September 6, 2024 

A New US Constitution to Maximize Freedom, Democracy, and Fairness--August 15, 2024

Maximize Freedom and Democracy: Abolish the Constitution, Zionism, Imperialism, and the Public Schools--July 24, 2024 

The Imperialists Will Tolerate a Two-State But Not a One-State Solution in Palestine-Israel--May 31, 2024 

Christians, Muslims, and Jews for a Secular One-State Solution in Palestine-Israel--May 22, 2024  

More Churches Need to Support a Secular One-State Solution for Palestine-Israel--March 7, 2024

Duck Duck Go .com:  112 Articles  by Roger Copple  that were Published at Op Ed News . com 

The Earth Constitution Is Not Similar to Klaus Schwab's World Economic Forum--March 4, 2022 

The Resistance Movement Must Provide Solutions to Remake the World--January 25, 2022 

Published only at this website: Does the Sars-CoV-2 Virus Have a Natural Origin Or Was It Bio-Engineered Or Is It Possible that Contagious Viruses Are Not  a Cause of Disease? --July 20, 2021 

Ways To Counter The Total Enslavement Of The World--April 4, 2021   

How to Improve Public Elementary Schools--March 12, 2021 

This is published within the article 2 lines below:  28th Amendment Proposal that Totally Rewrites Article V--March 3, 2021 

This is published within the article below:   Third Constitution of the United States--Revised March 10, 2021 

The Framers of US Constitution Never Told How to Properly Abolish It--March 9, 2021  

This is an unpublished revision and expansion of the article below:  What Can Save the World from Plutocrats?--February 9, 2021  

What Can Save the World from Oligarchs?--January 29, 2021 

Unpublished revision of article below:  What Is the Solution to the COVID-19 Crisis? A Democratic World Government--by Roger Copple--August 24, 2020

A Real Democratic World Government Is the Solution to the COVID-19 Crisis--August 13, 2020 

Summary of the Corbett Report:  "Who Cares What Celebrities Think"--July 22, 2020

Controversial Virologist Attacks Anthony Fauci--May 11, 2020  

Renounce Worldliness.  Seek Enlightenment.  Advocate Socialism--April 4, 2020

Is COVID-19 a Biological Warfare Weapon?--March 24, 2020  

How Bernie Can Create World Peace in Less Than 4 Years--March 5, 2020

Capitalism, Materialism, and Imperialism Prevent World Peace--February 14, 2020  

The Highest Form of Communism is Transcendental Communism--December 23, 2019  

Love Your Neighbors--November 1, 2019

Would a Democratic World Government Allow Capitalism?--October 15, 2019

Democratic World Government Is the Only Solution--October 11, 2019

Rebuild the Whole World from the Bottom-up--October 2, 2019

Every Local Community Must Be Ecologically Wise Now and Forever--September 27, 2019

Not Just Peace and Love But World Peace and Love--September 24, 2019

Libertarian Socialism Can Build Community, Communalism, and Communism--September 20, 2019

Extinction Rebellion--Arguments For and Against--September 7, 2019

It Will Take More Than Socialism and Democratic World Law to Save the World--August 12, 2019

Socialism and Democratic World Law Will Promote the Self-Actualization of Everyone--July 30, 2019 

If We Equally Divided the World's Wealth--July 4, 2019

New Culture, New Constitution, New Everything--June 30, 2019 

The Most Democratic Way to Have a Constitutional Convention--June 19, 2019

The New Article V For This Generation--June 17, 2019 

Third Constitution of the United States--June 17, 2019

15 Proposals that Could Make our Nation and the World a Better Place--June 8, 2019   

What Happens After the Mass Demonstrations in Every City--June 1, 2019

Neighborhood Control of Public Elementary Schools--June 1, 2019 

We Need Intellectuals More Than Meditators--May 28, 2019

Meditation Cannot Save the World--May 18, 2019 

Improve the Green New Deal: Eliminate its Massive Growth and Neoliberalism--May 4, 2019 

Transcending Maslow's Hierarchy to Achieve World Self-Actualization--April 21, 2019

Direct Democracy at Each Municipality--February 19, 2019

Radical Egalitarianism Can Save the Planet, the World, and Our Souls--November 27, 2018

Building the Thousand Years of Peace--November 18, 2018

Every Nation Can Aspire to Be a Model--November 8, 2018

Have We Ever Been Great?--October 30, 2018

When Can We Be Great--Three Ironies to Consider--October 27, 2018

Terrorism is the Symptom; Imperialism is the Cause--9/11/2018

A Plan for World Peace (2018): A Survey Proposal for the United Nations--September 7, 2018

Eliminate 9 Social Sins To Make The Whole World Happy--September 2, 2018 

What Should the Radical Democratic Left Be For and Against?--August 25, 2018

The Seven Social ISMS and the Seven Social SINS that Prevent Socialism--August 23, 2018

Let's Make the Whole World Happy For the First Time--August 21, 2018

"Hippie Commie Fags" and "Commie Pinko Fags"--August 18, 2018

Those that Fear the Green Movement, Democracy, and World Government--August 16, 2018

25 Recommendations for the American People--August 12, 2018

A New U.S. Constitution Subservient to the Earth Constitution--August 11, 2018

Let's Remake Society--an online book--August 12, 2018

New Nation, New Constitution Now--August 8, 2018

The New Article V For This Generation--April 2, 2018

Revamping the Green Party's Ten Key Values--March 31, 2018

The Peace Movement is Coming Back--March 28, 2018 

Integrating the Perennial Philosophy into the Greens' Ten Key Values--March 23, 2018 

World Peace, Inner Peace--March 14, 2018    

Improving the World with Maximum Democracy--January 19, 2018    

Improving the World with New Religions or No Religion--January 19, 2018            

Let's Remake Society--January 9, 2018